We all love books. That is why they are there for. To be luuuved!
But what if you have bought sooo many lately that you have hardly any money to spare?
do you wait till next month? No :P
You find bargains. Books that are so inexpensive, you can't resist them, no matter if you have bought a gazillion more just days before!
* Click title for book info!
Here's what I found:At Book Depository (free shipping in 90 countries)
Deadly Fear by Cunthia Eden at 3.93 euros/5.49 USD
Human Blend by Lori Pescatore for 2.99 euros at Smashwords.com
Immortal for 0.99 euros by Lauren Burd at Smashwords
6. Chicago
6. Chicago. Maurine Dallas Watkins. 1926 (December). 111 pages. [Source:
Online] [play, classic] [3 stars]
First sentence from the prologue: You damn...
45 minutes ago
It's true... Even if you go through all of your monthly book budget, there are still books that need to be bought! I love buying books from Amazon because they are so much cheaper than buying them at full retail price, or if I am way too impatient to wait on the shipping I will buy them from Wal-Mart or Target where they are 30% off... It's too bad that they didn't have a wider selection though... :/ But wait, totally just looked at your "About Me". You live in Greece- I doubt you have either of those stores... ;)
OMG, so true!
I have spend over 180 euros in books since late September. I can hardly buy any more! I mean I have to cover other bills, too! :P
But, I mean, come on... You cannot resist them! :P
Actually, I am thinking of making a post to show off my bookcase! *g*
It's ginormous.. At least I think so! Hehe!
Yeah, we don't have Wal-Mart or Target. Amazon does ship to Greece, but I find it is much more expensive than Book Depository that has free shipping anyways.
But the truth is that on Amazon, you can find books you cannot find at BookDepository or Play.Com.
Great finds Kelly!
Thank you, Shelly! :)
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