Genre: Romance/Paranormal
Summary:Hades had waited a thousand years for Jenna Krinard, or Persephone as she had once been known to him. The problem is, Jenna is a modern woman and she'll have to teach an old god new tricks in love. What she doesn't know is how much she'll learn about love herself.
I got this quite some time ago, but somehow I didn't find the time to read it.
Which is a shame as it was very sweet and short.
I was already reading another book and I needed some kind of break (unfortunately it happens to me a lot - I get distracted while reading a book- which doesn't mean I am not enjoying the book, I'm just a Gemini and I have a problem concentrating on only one thing sometimes so I need constant change and stimulation).
Anyways, I liked the fact that it was short and to the point. For me as a Greek, it was really interesting to read because it was based on Greek mythology and more specifically on the story of Hades and Persephone.
[In the myth, Persephone the daughter of Demetra, the goddess of Agriculture and the land, finds herself kidnapped by Hades into his dark domain, he underworld, where everything is gloomy.
A "civil-God war ensues and Hades is forced to let her go, but not before he plays one last game.
By accepting food from the Underworld, Persephone is obligated to remain six months in the Underworld with him every year. This is how my ancestors explained the withering and the rebirth of the land and flora. I was never sure if Persephone actually grew to love the sober Hades, but my romantic heart always saw it that way! XD ]
I actually didn't see that coming, but it was sweet and I am always fond of stories where the man is more certain than the female for the relationship.
Jenna Krinard has just moved into her new house and though, she doesn't know it, there's someone watching her, wanting her, Hades.
It is too short for me to say anything else on the plot, but it was really nice.
Rating: 3 Stars. It was a nice distraction. Short and cute, but I don't think I will be reading it again.
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~ Kelly ~
Nice review! Sometimes a little short fun is good hehe =D
Hi, I sent you an e-mail last week because you won my giveaway (http://comacalm.blogspot.com/2010/12/unique-ish-giveaway.html), but you haven't replied yet, so I'll assume you haven't seen it? The book with the most votes was Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, but you can choose a different one from the list if you wish.
Okay, well it's not fair to keep waiting, so I'm going to award it t someone else. Happy blogging!
@Larissa: Thank you!! So true.
@ ComaCalm: I am really sorry about this, but I didn;t get any email and I checked my spam folded as well! :(
I am not sure why but it is not the first time it happens to me.
But what's fair is fair, so you did well to award it to someone else. It was the right thing to do!!
Thanks so much for taking the time to contact me here, as well, though. :)
I really appreciate it.
Now if only I have made my settings so that I got email notifications of comments. Have to work on my blog skills a lot.
I always did like Hades, he was just so, yes ;) I am a sucker for the bad gods
Michele Weiner-Davis, MSW is an internationally renowned relationship expert, best-selling author, marriage therapist, and professional speaker who specializes in helping people change their lives and improve important relationships. Among the first in her field to courageously speak out about the pitfalls of unnecessary divorce, Michele has been active in spearheading the now popular movement urging couples to make their marriages work and keep their families together. She is the author of seven books including her best-selling books, DIVORCE BUSTING: A Step-by-Step Approach to Making Your Marriage Loving Again, and THE SEX-STARVED MARRIAGE: A Couple's Guide to Boosting Their Marriage Libido. Michele's work has been featured in major newspapers such as the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Wall Street Journal, and magazines such as Time, Redbook, Ladies Home Journal, Essence, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Woman's Day, Men's Health, New Woman, and McCall's. Michele is a marriage expert on Redbook's advisory board, ClubMom.com and iVillage.com. She has made countless media appearances on shows such as Oprah, 48 Hours, 20/20, The Today Show, CBS This Morning, CBS Evening News, CNN, and Bill O'Reilly. Michele's Keeping Love Alive program aired on PBS stations nationwide. She recently completed a reality based show for the BBC about helping couples save their marriages. Michele maintains that her true expertise in helping couples have great relationships is derived from first-hand experience. She and her husband have been married for more than thirty years.
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