There are 4 duties to perform to receive this award:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award. =D
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
[1] I live in Greece and have never traveled abroad
[2] Among my first book obsessions were: Dangerous Liaisons and Little Women
[3] I love both dark and light books. Sometimes I want humor, others I need angst. *shrugs*
[4] I always multitask. Sometimes I read, eat, listen to music and watch tv at the same time.
[5] I am really restless. I often find myself reading two or three books at once.
[6] I don't mind snacking while I eat, but I usually don't.
[7] I can't drive! :(
3. Award
* I am a really new blogger so most of the blogs I follow are already established and not new, so I just have to narrow this down and pick at random! *g*
- The Dark Eva
- Ramblings From A Chaotic Mind
- On The Tudor Trail
- Book'd Out
- The Qwillery
- Happily Ever After Reviews
It's really late in Greece, so I will let them know first thing tomorrow morning! I suck, I know!
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Absolutely fantastic job you have done here. And Thank you for sharing with us
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