Hi everyone,
I'm Kelly from Greece and I only made this to keep up with my favorite Book Bloggers and authors.
I don't think any of my friends has a blogspot, so I mostly use my livejournal blog.
I might actually start to use this eventually, if I ever figure out how it works! *g*
Though, that might take a while, unless I decide to crosspost my GoodReads reviews here or something! :P
For the time being, you can find me at my personal blog
my twitter:
my GoodReads Account - Because I'm an avid reader (Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Forensic Fiction, Crime Fiction, YA, Thrillers etc)
and my Last.fm account because I love Music, Too
This Blog is A Work In Progress, so pretty soon it's gonna feel (and look) pretty and cosy! :P
Take care Everyone
Sunday Thoughts - Awesome Spring
In a few days, Spring will make its appearance. Ah, balmy air, blooming
flowers, and renewed energy from fauna and foliage.
I love the first blooms on th...
17 minutes ago